publishing design - ride on art

cover of the metro art book, different shapes in different colours in a row


Design a brochure dedicated to showing the commemorative cultural art in the Montreal’s metro system.


In the Montreal metro system, diverse art has been incorporated into each station for the last 56 years. Tasked with creating a brochure, from printing and designing, a system had to be set up in order to properly showcase the art.
the word scrib with a black serif typeface and a red dot at the end on a white background.
the word scrib with a black serif typeface and a red dot at the end on a white background.


I have personally never noticed the nitty gritty inconspicuous art in the metro system. For example the vertical bands by Charles Daudelin at Mont-Royal. The piece is integrated in the brick walls went unnoticed to me until this project started. Having discovered a new world to the metro system, I took inspiration from all the different shapes found in the art pieces to create a system for each metro line. I assigned a shape to each line which would show its appearance from time to time as the frame of the art.
open spread of a spiral book depicting circle shapes in art of the metro
open spread of a spiral book depicting hanging art on the metro
list of all the metro stations in the orange lineopen spread of a spiral book depicting colourful glass windows


I’m happy with the overall final product, it’s a nice compact booklet. The silver wire binding combined with the cover contrasts with the colourful shapes of the cover creating a subtle and fun adventure through each page.